Monday, July 29, 2013

A Little Peek Into My World ♥

Hello everyone!
So lately I've been posting a lot of reviews and not a lot of personal type thingys. I got the instagram collage idea from Sprinkle of Glitter ( And even though there aren't many of you, I'd still like you to get to know me. So here are a few of my favorite pictures from my small instagram collection! Enjoy! xx

Also a quick little life update, I'm going to California for the next couple of days and won't be posting much if any! But I promise there will be a big Cali post and haul when I get back!!  Bye! xx

Instagram: jordan_hicks

From left to right, top to bottom:

My younger sister and I at 1D world, My older sister and I on Halloween last year (I was Minnie and she was Snow White obviously!), Mine and my younger sister's One Direction place-mats our neighbor made us

My pink Christmas tree, A recent selfie when I got my hair done, Raising Cane's fried chicken because I love food (especially fried chicken)

One of my favorite posters of my favorite superhero Spiderman, A baby picture of me dressed up as a lamb on Halloween (so precious omg), My sisters and I on our way to my younger sister's 8th grade promotion

I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my life! Thanks for reading!xx


  1. Hi I am Phoebs, a teen blogger from the Uk :)
    I started my blog about 1 and a half months ago ( I think) and I only have a few followers so we are in the same position! I LOVE your blog and would be greateful if you checked out mine and if you liked it , followed? xxx

    1. Followed! xx You have a great sense of style btw :)

    2. Aww thank you, it means a lot :) xx
